Artemij's CV

Education [–]

  • 13 May 2005: PhD degree, thesis title L'Aṣṭādhyāyī di Pāṇini: aspetti teorici e formali (supervisor: Prof. Paolo Di Giovine)
  • 17 July 2001: Master degree cum laude in Humanities at Sapienza University of Rome, thesis title: Nuovo Testamento in gotico (supervisor: Prof Carla Del Zotto)

Career [–]

  • December 2023: Habilitation to Full Professorship in L-LIN/01 (Historical and General Linguistics)
  • December 2020 – present: Associate Professor, L-LIN/01 (Historical and General Linguistics), Sapienza University of Rome, Dpt. "ISO – Italian Institute of Oriental Studies"
  • December 2014 – November 2020: Ricercatore confermato (Tenured Assistant Professor), L-LIN/01 (Historical and General Linguistics), Sapienza University of Rome, Dpt. "ISO – Italian Institute of Oriental Studies"
  • December 2011 – November 2014: Ricercatore non confermato (Assistant Professor), L-LIN/01 (Historical and General Linguistics), Sapienza University of Rome, Dpt. "ISO – Italian Institute of Oriental Studies"
  • May 2010 – October 2010: Lettore di lingua russa (Lecturer of Russian), Faculty of Humanities, University of l'Aquila
  • July 2009 – June 2010: Contratto integrativo (Lecturer of Linguistics), Faculty of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
  • July 2005 – June 2009: Assegnista di ricerca (Post-doc Research Fellow in Historical Linguistics), Faculty of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome

Visiting scholarships [–]

  • September 2023: Visiting professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto (Canada) [web]
  • August – September 2022: Visiting scholar at CLUL – Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon)
  • March 2019: Visiting scholar at the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

Publications [–]

  • Forthcoming:
    • ‘Gli appunti di Champollion sulle rune nordiche’, Scienze dell’Antichità 31.2, to appear in 2025 [draft]
  • 2023:
    • ‘A Brief Introduction’, Bhāṣā 2.1: 7–11 [Web]
    • (guest ed.) Vyākaraṇa and Its Many Espouses: Linguistics, Philology, Philosophy = Proceedings of a Thematic Panel from the 11th CBC Conference (Rome, December 10-11, 2021), Bhāṣā 2.1: 7–94 [DOI, Part 1] [DOI, Part 2]
    • (ed. and transl. with Lev Blumenfeld) Anna Polivanova, Old Church Slavic. Grammar and Dictionaries, Firenze: FUP [DOI]
    • (with A. Polivanova) ‘Нейтрализация’, «…Вперёд и вверх по лестнице звучащей». Сборник статей к 80-летию Ольги Фёдоровны Кривновой, под ред. Л. М. Захарова и др. Москва: Буки Веди, 2023: 159–177 [draft]
    • Review of 'M. Vakulenko. Grammatical Aspects of Feminatives Through the Ukrainian Prism', Qeios [web] [DOI]
  • 2022:
    • ‘Semitisms in the Gothic translation of the New Testament’, Archivio Glottologico Italiano 107.2: 169–206 [draft]
    • (with A. Polivanova) ‘О трех медведях, двух падежах и одной стороне словоформы / On three bears, two cases and one-sided wordform’, Lifetime linguistic inspirations: to Igor Mel’čuk from colleagues and friends for his 90th birthday, ed. by T. Reuther, L. Iomdin, A. Polguère, and J. Milićević. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022: 361–376 [draft] [DOI]
    • (with C. D'Antonio) ‘The adventures of Pāṇini’s grammar in China and Japan: the case of the kāraka/vibhakti system’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 95.1–2: 149–165 [draft] [DOI] [web]
    • ‘From the editor’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 95.1–2: 11–14 [DOI] [web]
    • (guest ed.), ‘Translation in Premodern Asia. A selection of papers from the 10th coffee break conference’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 95.1–2: 11–165. [web]
    • (ed., with I. Pekunova and E. Logunova), А. К. Поливанова, Логические основы грамматики: от фонологии до семантики, Москва: Издательский Дом ВШЭ [web] [DOI] [preview] [Google Books]
    • (unpublished) ‘The effect of morphological typology on comparative method: an attempt of quantitative assessment’ [lingBuzz] [DOI]
    • ‘Revising a syntactic isogloss: nominal modifiers marking in Indo-European languages’, Variation, Contact and Reconstruction in the Ancient Indo-European Languages: Between Linguistics and Philology, ed. by D. Romagno and F. Rovai. Leiden: Brill, 2022: 71–108 [draft] [DOI] [SCOPUS] [web]
  • 2021:
    • ‘Hiding a verb: ritual vs. courtly interpretation of Aṣṭhādhyāyī 1.4.34’, XI Coffee Break Conference: Arranged Marriages between Disciplines. Rome, 10–11 December 2021; Vienna, 16–17 December 2021, ed. by A. Keidan. Rome: Coffee Break Project, 2021: 51–53 [PDF]
  • 2020:
    • (with A. Polivanova) ‘Mesto nejtralizacii v fonologicheskom opisanii jazyka’, Zvegincevskie chtenija — 2020. K 60-letiju kafedry i otdelenija teoreticheskoj i prikladnoj lingvistiki i 110-letiju so dnja rozhdenija V.A. Zveginceva (Materialy konferencii), Moskva: MGU, OTIPL: 93–94 [pdf]
    • ‘Grammatičeskaja tipologija i ėffektivnost' sravnitel'nyx konstrukcij’, in A. Keidan (ed.), Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova, Stockholm: Interbok: 179–208 [pdf]
    • (ed.), Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova, Stockholm: Interbok; Moskva & Ekaterinburg: Kabinetnyj Učenyj [web] [pdf]
    • ‘Marking of quality modifiers in 2nd-generation IE languages’, Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 56(3): 477–527 [DOI] [pdf]
    • (with L. Kulikov and N. Lavidas) ‘Morphosyntactic isoglosses in Indo-European: An introduction’, Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 56(3): 373–377 [DOI]
    • (ed., with L. Kulikov and N. Lavidas) Morphosyntactic isoglosses in Indo-European. Special issue of Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 56(3): 373–527 [web]
  • 2019:
    • Review article 'Yūto Kawamura. The kāraka theory embodied in the Rāma story. A Sanskrit textbook in Medieval India', Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 6: 309–319 [pdf] [DOI]
  • 2018:
    • (with Claudia A. Ciancaglini) Linguistica generale e storica. Per studenti di lingue orientali e classiche, Milano, Firenze: Le Monnier [web] [review]
    • Characteribus belgicis: alcuni aspetti della ricezione del gotico nell’Umanesimo fiammingo e olandese’, AIΩN-Linguistica n.s. 7: 87–112 [draft] [DOI] [web]
  • 2017:
    • Review article 'A. K. Polivanova, Staroslavjanskij jazyk. Grammatika. Slovari', Incontri Linguistici 40: 151–163 [draft] [DOI]
    • ‘Subjecthood in Pāṇini’s Grammatical Tradition’, in A. Crisanti, C. Pieruccini, C. Policardi, P. M. Rossi (eds), Anantaratnaprabhava. Studi in onore di Giuliano Boccali, Milano: Università degli Studi di Milano. Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici; Ledizioni (Consonanze 11): vol. I, 107–125 [draft] [published] [web] [DOI]
    • (with Elisa Freschi) ‘Understanding a Philosophical Text. The Problem of “Meaning” in Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī, Book 5’, in P. McAllister (ed.), Reading Bhaṭṭa Jayanta on Buddhist Nominalism, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens 95): 251–290 [JSTOR] [draft] [DOI] [review]
    • ‘Готский язык и готицизм — идеология, филология, типографика’, in: E. B. Yakovenko (ed.), Lingua Gotica. Novye issledovanija, vol. 3. Moscow: BukiVedi: 10-33 [pdf]
  • 2015:
    • ‘Form, function and interpretation: a case study in the textual criticism of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī’, Bulletin d’Études Indiennes 32: 171–203 [pdf]
    • ‘Meaningfulness, the unsaid and translatability. Instead of an introduction’, Open Linguistics 1: 634–649 [web] [DOI]
    • (guest ed.) ‘Translation Techniques in the Ancient and Oriental Cultures’, Topical Issue of Open Linguistics 1 [web]
  • 2014:
    • (ed.) ‘The Study of South Asia between Antiquity and Modernity — Parallels and Comparisons. Coffee Break Conference 2’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 87, Suppl. 2: 9–263 [web] [review]
    • ‘Direct and Indirect Evidence on Lability in Middle Indo-Aryan’, Linguistics 52.4: 1107–1138 [DOI]
    • (ed.) Coffee Break Conference 5. Space, culture, language and politics in South Asia: common patterns and local distinctions. Sapienza University of Rome, Italian institute of Oriental Studies. 22–24 May 2014. Book of abstracts, Centro Stampa Università [pdf]
  • 2013:
    • ‘Branch-crossing Indo-European isoglosses: a call for interest’, Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ 17: 406–417 [pdf]
  • 2012:
    • ‘The kāraka-vibhakti device as a heuristic tool for the compositional history of Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 84 (2011): 273–288 [pdf] [JSTOR]
    • ‘Language and linguistics as an analytic tool for the study of (oriental) cultures’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 84 (2011): 235–240 [pdf] [JSTOR]
    • ‘Translation Techniques in the Asiatic Cultures. Abstract of the panel’, in A. Keidan (ed.), The Study of Asia – between Antiquity and Modernity. Coffee Break Conference III. University of Cagliari (Sardinia), 13–16 June 2012. Book of abstracts, 63–70 [pdf]
    • (ed.) The Study of Asia – between Antiquity and Modernity. Coffee Break Conference III. University of Cagliari (Sardinia), 13–16 June 2012. Book of abstracts, Rome: Coffee Break Project [pdf] [buy]
  • 2011:
    • Review of: G. Marotta, A. Lenci, L. Meini, F. Rovai (eds.). "Space in Language". Proceedings of the Pisa International Conference, Pisa 2010, Incontri Linguistici 34: 181–182 [pdf]
  • 2010:
    • ‘Compositional history of Pāṇiniʼs kāraka theory’, Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ 14.2: 33–46 [pdf]
    • ‘Predicative possessive constructions in Japanese and Korean’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, n. 81 (2008): 339–367 [pdf] [DOI] [JSTOR]
  • 2009:
    • ‘Le iscrizioni novgorodiane su corteccia di betulla in ottica comparatistica’, Incontri Linguistici 32: 175–196 [pdf] [DOI]
  • 2008:
    • ‘La lingua dei goti: linguistica, tipografia, ideologia’, in: C. Barsanti, A. Paribeni, S. Pedone (eds), Rex Theodericus. Il Medaglione d'oro di Morro d'Alba, Roma: Espera, 2008: 249–260 [pdf]
    • ‘Deissi, arbitrarietà e disambiguazione. Due approcci a confronto’, in: A. Keidan, L. Alfieri (eds), Deissi, riferimento, metafora. Questioni classiche di linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio. Firenze: FUP, 2008: 19–66 [pdf] [DOI]
    • (with Luca Alfieri), ‘Premessa’, in: A. Keidan, L. Alfieri (eds), Deissi, riferimento, metafora. Questioni classiche di linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio. Firenze: FUP, 2008: VII–VIII [DOI]
    • (ed., with L. Alfieri) Deissi, riferimento, metafora. Questioni classiche di linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio, Firenze: FUP, 2008 [web] [DOI] [google books]
    • Review of: S. Neri. Cadere e abbattere in indoeuropeo. Sull'etimologia di tedesco fallen, latino aboleo e greco ἀπόλλυμι, Incontri Linguistici 31: 211–212 [pdf] [DOI]
    • Review of: A.A. Zaliznjak. Slovo o polku igoreve, Incontri Linguistici 31: 222–224 [pdf] [DOI]
  • 2007:
    • ‘Pāṇini 1.4.23: emendation proposal’, Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 2: 209–241 [web & pdf] [DOI]
    • Review of: G. Ferraresi. Word Order and Phrase Structure in Gothic, Incontri Linguistici 30: 228–229 [pdf] [DOI]
    • ‘Word boundaries in Pāṇini and Avesta: a linguistic view’, Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ 11: 145–152 [pdf]
  • 2006:
    • ‘«Калькированный архаизм» готского языка’, Indoevropejskoe âzykoznanie i klassičeskaâ filologiâ 10: 149–155 [pdf]
  • 2005:
    • ‘Il gotico di Wulfila: tra diacronia e retorica’, AIΩN-Linguistica 23 (2001): 49–105 [pdf]
  • Popular science:
    • ‘No, the Voynich manuscript has not been deciphered’, 2nd revision, 22 September 2020 [DOI] [pdf]
    • ‘Natura innata del linguaggio secondo Noam Chomsky’, Noise from Amerika, published on May 24th, 2016 [web] [revised PDF] [DOI]
    • ‘Sulla difesa dei dialetti: statalismo vs. identità’, Noise from Amerika, published on April 20th, 2017 [web] [PDF] [DOI]

Conference talks [+]

Grants and projects [–]

  • 2022:
    • SEED/PNR grant, project title: "Il Genere nella Lingua e nella Grammatica: teoria, storia e attualità" (10.000€).
  • 2021:
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Tra l'esotismo e l'eurocentrismo: grammaticalizzazione e categorie flessionali nella descrizione delle lingue indoeuropee classiche vs. quella delle lingue dell'Estremo Oriente” (11.320€). [web]
    • Member of the PRIN 2020 project “Metalinguistic texts as a privileged data source for the knowledge of ancient languages” (603.000€; Principal Investigator L. Lorenzetti).
    • Tutor of the Sapienza University Research Office grant for young scholars, project title: “Grammaire Latine Étendue in Giappone: il modello greco-latino nell'opera di João Rodriguez (1562-1633?)” (3.400€; Principal Investigator C. D'Antonio). [web]
  • 2020:
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Data in progress: aggiornamento, accessibilità permanente e potenzialità multidisciplinare dei database epigrafici” (14000€; Principal Investigator S. Kaczko). [web]
  • 2019:
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Categorie grammaticali nominali in prospettiva sincronica, diacronica e tipologica: flessione e derivazione nelle lingue indoeuropee arcaiche e post-arcaiche” (14.065€). [web]
  • 2018:
    • Member of the PRIN 2017 project “Ancient languages and writing systems in contact: a touchstone for language change” (517.000€; Principal Investigator P. Di Giovine) [web].
    • Member of the Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Champollion beyond hieroglyphs. The many languages of the Rosetta stone code breaker” (11.000€; Principal Investigator C. A. Ciancaglini). [web]
    • Tutor of the Sapienza University Research Office grant for young scholars, project title: “Posizionamento dei clitici in paleoslavo” (1.250€; Principal Investigator A. Di Manno).
  • 2017:
    • MIUR, Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca (3.000€).
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Sviluppi convergenti nella morfologia indoeuropea: codifica dei modificatori nominali”; (3.000€) [web].
    • Sapienza University International Office grant, visiting scholarship for Prof. Leonid Kulikov (Ghent University) (9.000€) [Request].
  • 2015:
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Indo-European isoglosses: data collection and models of representation” (9.000€) [Request].
  • 2014:
    • Sapienza University conference grant, for the conference “Coffee Break Conference 5. The influence of space on culture in South Asia” (1.500€) [Request] [Report].
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “Contact-based approach to the Late Indo-European isoglosses: branch-crossing features and linguistic areas” (4.500€) [Request].
  • 2013:
    • Sapienza University International Office grant, visiting scholarship for Prof. Alexander Lubotsky (Leiden University) (9.000€) [Request].
  • 2012:
    • Sapienza University Research Office grant, project title: “La morfologia derivazionale nelle lingue indoeuropee orientali: dal pensiero grammaticale antico all'indoeuropeistica moderna” (3.000€) [Request] [Report].

Teaching [–]

  • CIVIS Blended Learning Course Languages in Europe and their diachronies [web]
    • 3–6 March 2021
  • Institute of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome:
    • Annually: undergraduate course in General Linguistics (6 credits)
    • Annually: undergraduate course in Historical Linguistics (6 credits)
    • Annually: graduate course in General Linguistics (6 credits)
  • Faculty of Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome:
    • 2005–2007: undergraduate course of Syntax (4 credits)

Doctoral theses supervision [–]

  • Andrea Di Manno, Ordine sintattico e struttura dell’informazione in paleoslavo: la legge di Wackernagel [web]

Events organization [–]

  • 10–11 December 2021: Vyākaraṇa and its many espouses: Linguistics, Philology, Philosophy. Panel from the CBC11, University of Rome [web]
  • 31 March 2017: Morpho-syntactic isoglosses in Indo-European: diachrony, typology and linguistic areas, workshop at ISTAL 23, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), co-organized with Nikolaos Lavidas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Leonid Kulikov (Ghent University) [web] [Booklet]
  • 22–24 May 2014: CBC5. Space, culture, language and politics in South Asia: common patterns and local distinctions, Sapienza University of Rome [web]
  • 15 June 2012: Translation Techniques in the Asiatic Cultures. Panel from the CBC3, University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) [web]
  • 8–10 September 2011: CBC2. The Study of South Asia between Antiquity and Modernity. Parallels and Comparisons, Sapienza University of Rome [web]
  • 10–12 June 2010: CBC1. Lo studio dell'Asia fra antico e moderno, Sapienza University of Rome [web]

Memberships [–]

  • 2021:
    • Member of the editorial board of the Rivista degli Studi Orientali [web]
  • 2018:
    • Member of the teaching commettee of the PhD program in Linguistics, at Sapienza University of Rome and University Roma Tre [web]
  • 2017:
    • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the South Asian Languages and Linguistics [web]
    • Member of "Societas Linguistica Europaea" [web]
  • 2012:
    • Member of "Società Italiana di Glottologia" [web]
  • 2010:
    • Founder member of the "Coffee Break Conferences" project [web]
  • 2006:
    • Member of the editorial board of Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici

Reviewing [–]

  • Anonymous reviews for journals and series
    • Archiv orientální
    • Archivio Glottologico Italiano
    • Associazione Libera la ricerca
    • Bhāṣā. Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions
    • Collana di Studi Giapponesi (Associazione Italiana di Studi Giapponesi)
    • Folia Linguistica
    • Journal of Historical Linguistics
    • Journal of the South Asian Languages and Linguistics
    • Philosophy of East and West
    • Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
    • Rivista degli Studi Orientali
    • VQR 2015–2019
  • Grant proposals anonymous reviewing
    • Università del Piemonte Orientale, Bando Assegni di Ricerca 2020
    • PRIN 2015
  • PhD theses reviewing
    • E. Brečalova, RSUH (Russia)
    • A. Leopardi, ISO, Sapienza University of Rome
    • C. D’Antonio, ISO, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Book supervisions
    • M. Mastrangelo, N. Ozawa, and M. Saito (eds), Grammatica giapponese, Milano 2006
    • A.K. Polivanova, Staroslavjanskij jazyk. Grammatika. Slovari, Moskva: Institut Slavjanovedenija, 2013

Research interests [–]

  • Historical Linguistics
    • Indo-European studies (Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Praktrits, Gothic, Old Slavonic, Old Russian etc.)
    • Theory of Historical Linguistics (isoglosses, relative chronology)
    • Ancient Indian grammatical tradition
  • General Linguistics
    • Syntax (Formalism vs. Functionalism)
    • Typological and contrastive analysis
  • Philosophy of language
    • Indexicals
    • Meaning and reference
    • Semiotics (Saussure, Hjelmslev, Peirce)
  • Translation Studies
    • Semiotics of translation

Known languages [+]

  • Mother tongue:
    • Russian, Italian
  • Spoken modern languages:
    • English (good), French (reading), German (reading), Spanish (reading)
  • Ancient languages:
    • Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Old Persian, Gothic, Old Slavonic, Old Russian

Book typesetting [+]

    • (A. Keidan, I. Pekunova, E. Logunova eds.), А. К. Поливанова, Логические основы грамматики: от фонологии до семантики, Москва: Издательский Дом ВШЭ [web]
    • A. Keidan (ed.) XI Coffee Break Conference: Arranged Marriages between Disciplines. Rome, 10–11 December 2021; Vienna, 16–17 December 2021. Book of abstracts. Rome: Coffee Break Project, 2021 [PDF] [buy]
    • A. Keidan (ed.) Friends, words, tables. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Anna Polivanova, Stockholm: Interbok; Moskva & Ekaterinburg: Kabinetnyj Učenyj, 2020 [web]
    • A. Keidan (ed.) Coffee Break Conference 5. Space, culture, language and politics in South Asia: common patterns and local distinctions. Sapienza University of Rome, Italian institute of Oriental Studies. 22–24 May 2014. Book of abstracts, Roma: Centro Stampa Università [pdf]
    • The Human Person and Nature in Classical and Modern India. International Conference Rome, 14–15 March 2013. Abstracts, Roma: Centro Stampa Università [pdf]
    • A.K. Polivanova, Staroslavjanskij jazyk. Grammatika. Slovari, Moskva: Institut Slavjanovedenija, 2013 [web]
    • A. Keidan (ed.), The Study of Asia – between Antiquity and Modernity. Coffee Break Conference III. University of Cagliari (Sardinia), 13–16 June 2012. Book of abstracts, Rome: Coffee Break Project [pdf] [buy]
    • A. Keidan, L. Alfieri (eds), Deissi, riferimento, metafora, Firenze: FUP, 2008 [web]
    • Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 1–4, Roma 2006–2009 [web]
    • A. d'Amelia and A. M. Gračeva (eds), Aleksej Remizov. Studi e materiali inediti, Saint Petersburg & Salerno 2003 [web]
    • D. Rizzi and A. Šiškin (eds), Archivio italo-russo II, Salerno 2002 [web]
    • D. Rizzi and A. Šiškin (eds), Archivio italo-russo III, Salerno 2001 [web]
Useful links